Can you please share a little bit about yourself and your involvement with ºÚÁÏ³Ô¹Ï life?
In my summer season I play soccer, and at the start of the year I played the second half of my basketball season. I am also now involved in the Treasure Island play for next year that was given as an opportunity and let’s just say I’m pretty dandy.
What is your favourite subject and why?
My Favorite subject this year has been English, especially when we were writing cards for our Kindy buddy. I also loved doing our three bags task when we picked out of a hat, our character, our setting, and an item that had to be mentioned in our short story.
Can you tell us about a memorable project or activity you’ve done this year?
A memorable activity that I did this year was Legends and Legacies I loved it because I got to research one of my heroes, Stan Lee. I liked researching him because his life was interesting, and what I read was so fascinating.
What do you feel is special about the 51³Ô¹ÏÍøÔÚÏß environment and community?
What I find special about the 51³Ô¹ÏÍøÔÚÏß community is how everyone is included, and helped no matter what year group they are in. I love this because it shows how inclusive everybody is and how trustworthy they are.