The David Wright Library offers over 20,000 resources for the use of students in pursuit of academic and personal reading needs.
We provide a place for students to access academic sources and provide instruction based around the Information Fluency Framework to help students in the selection and decoding of resources. The Library is also at the centre of Information Literacy Instruction and works with classroom teachers to support students in developing these skills.
Our experienced librarians are:
- Library Manager Shu-Xin Behr
- Head of Reading and Research Georgia Kickert.
With extensive experience in teaching and library management, they are passionate about promoting information literacy and the joys of reading.
Senior School students access the library before school, at recess and lunch, and after school.Â
Central to the campus, it is a safe space for students to relax, enjoy a quiet game, take part in a reading circle, or browse the shelves for inspiration.
Research Resources
Sign up online for a membership card. Your card is free and will be delivered in the mail. Once you have a State Library membership card a vast range of high quality, scholarly information will be available to you online.
JStor is an online database (library) of scholarly material from over 1000 academic journals. Use JStor to search for history, science and humanities articles.
ProQuest Central is a vast online library including full-text newspaper articles as well as journal articles from subject areas including business, health, history and literature.
Informit is a gateway to over 90 databases covering a wide range of topics from history and literature to medicine. An excellent source of medical information for Senior PDHPE students.
The Literary Reference Centre from EBSCO is an excellent resource for senior English students. This database contains useful books and academic journal articles about literature.
Click on the eBooks link in the links bar to search for fiction and non fiction titles. You have the option of reading online or downloading your loan.
Economics, Business, History, English, PDHPE, ScienceShort, easy to understand articles about all current topics written by academics from Australian universities.
History articles from History Today prior to 2011 are available in Questia.
The Economist will allow you to read a couple of articles for free before prompting you to subscribe.
Primary source digitised content from Australia’s largest museums, libraries and institutions.