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What inspired you to pursue working in a school environment, and what do you find most rewarding about working in education?

When I finished High school, I wanted to be a Primary teacher. I grew up in a family that looked after foster children and had always enjoyed helping and supporting kids. The natural progression for me was to be a teacher. I finished my Education degree, taught in Australia for a couple of years, and then headed off to the UK. During my time in the UK, I became increasingly interested in psychology. After a year abroad teaching and travelling, I returned to Australia and began a Psychology degree. I majored in Educational Psychology and upon completion, began working as a Psychologist in Department of Education schools. As a Psychologist working in education, I am able to support students through early identification and intervention and help them with strategies to hopefully prevent long-term problems.

Tell us a bit about your journey- what led you to work at 51³Ô¹ÏÍøÔÚÏß?

I was working as a Psychologist with the Department of Education for 8 years when I heard 51³Ô¹ÏÍøÔÚÏß was expanding to become a K-12 school. Having attended 51³Ô¹ÏÍøÔÚÏß as a student from 1987-1992, 51³Ô¹ÏÍøÔÚÏß held a very special place in my heart, and I was excited at the prospect of coming back to my school, somewhere I was so very fond of. I was successful in my application to become the School Psychologist and commenced working at 51³Ô¹ÏÍøÔÚÏß in 2012, the year the Junior School began.  I was also thrilled to be able to have my three children join the Junior School too.

What do you hope students remember most about their time in your classroom/ office?

I hope the students I’ve worked with know that there is always someone out there to support them, to listen to them, to validate what they are feeling and to help them with strategies to manage their situation. I hope I have helped our students understand that we are all on a continuum of mental well-being and that they are confident to ask for support at any stage in their life when needed.

Can you please share one of your favourite stories or experiences about your time at 51³Ô¹ÏÍøÔÚÏß?

One of my favourite experiences was in 2017, when Peter Craig and I took the first group of 51³Ô¹ÏÍøÔÚÏß students to Botswana. Having been a student of Peter Craig’s back in the 1980’s and then having the pleasure of sharing this trip with him and Michael Parker was a highlight. To be part of this special trip with our students was an incredibly enriching experience.

When you’re not at school, what are some things you love doing or exploring?

I love kicking off my day with a gym class, you can find me at 6.00am doing a spin class, a boxing class or a bootcamp. I enjoy spending time with family and friends. I like watching sport and I enjoy going to concerts and musicals. I also enjoy spending time with Clover!

What’s your favourite thing about the Southern Highlands?

My favourite thing about the Southern Highlands apart from it being such a beautiful place, is the sense of community, oh and I quite like the climate too!